تتیجه جستجو
1400/01/19Wat carpet color should I buy? This question may have occupied your mind many times when buying carpets for your home or what color and carpet design is suitable for each room? Which color of machine made carpet is set with your home decoration?
1399/12/02As everyone knows, carpet is an exquisite and important product; hence, carpet photography requires high accuracy and consideration of certain conditions. Following some fundamental and important principles can contribute significantly to taking suitable and high-quality photographs, reflecting the beauty and elegance of the carpet in the best way.
1399/11/18As most home indoor spaces have a rectangular or square area, many people prefer to cover their home's floor with rectangular or square carpets. However, the round and oval carpets can give a distinctive look to home, which are sometimes more stylish than rectangular and square carpets.
1399/11/18As time passes and the style of decorations changes, the design and pattern of carpet also change and some new designs emerge. This is clearly manifested by the Afshan design, which has managed to attract a lot of attention and achieve great popularity. If you want to buy a carpet that can match various decorations and have a distinctive up-to-date design, the Afshan design is a very suitable option.
1399/11/18Carpet is one of the basic goods in the decoration of Iranian homes, which needs to be perfect and have an attractive appearance to manifest the delicacy of the home decoration. When some parts of the carpet have puckers, particularly in the edges, the carpet is said to have a crease that makes it more worn and inelegant.
1399/11/18Undoubtedly, carpet is one of the very important components of any home and decoration, and choosing the right carpet based on the applications and specifications can revitalize home decoration. In fact, carpet can be compared to a very beautiful painting that makes the floor and home decoration very beautiful and pleasant due to the design, pattern, and diversity of colors. In addition to the beauty of carpet and the sense of freshness and delight that a carpet gives to the home, the main use of the carpet should not be neglected, which is to cover the home floor.
1399/11/18Carpet has long been an important part of the home, playing a key role in the appearance and beauty of Iranian home decoration. Simultaneously with the development and improvement of the machine-made carpet industries, the designs and colors of these carpets also became very diverse, creating the advantage for people to choose dark or light color carpets based on their tastes and interests. Although light color carpets have their own special manifestation and beauty, they require special attention and care.
1399/11/18The background color of the carpet is as important as its pattern and design, having a great impact on the appearance and beauty of home decoration. Carpet is a product used for many years; therefore, much care is required in the selection of its color to have a good harmony with home decoration in the present and future while impressing the individuals’ mood in the long run.
1399/11/18People desire to live in beautiful and unique homes; therefore, they consider decorations according to a special taste as well as fashion when selecting the components and colors of decoration and the interior design.
1399/11/18The textile industry has witnessed significant growth and development in recent years, and now there is a wide variety of products in the textile industry, particularly machine-made carpets. High-quality and diverse products are sent to the domestic and foreign markets to meet the tastes of different customers.
1399/11/18The beauty and appearance of the carpet is the most important factor in its selection, and therefore, the color and design of the carpet are priorities of many people. Given the great variety of colors and designs of machine-made carpets, selection among different types sometimes requires a lot of time.
1399/11/18Carpet is one of the most influential and central elements of home decoration. The design and pattern are among the central factors in the purchase and selection of carpets, making it the main priority for most people
1399/11/18A color set to the home decoration is the most suitable carpet color for the house because such a harmony with the color of the furniture and walls makes the home atmosphere more pleasant and attractive.